New Counseling Resources through Austin Child Guidance Center...
Click on the links to register for Small Group Counseling that are free and available to the public this Fall through Austin Child Guidance Center:
Managing Meltdowns and Tantrums
Supporting Children through Parental Separation and Divorce
Caregiver Support
5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Succeed in School
Make sure your child is at school every day possible. “Missed work is generally more of a loss than made-up work is a gain,” Parks says. “There is no substitute for attendance.”
Designate a time and place for your child to do homework. If they do not have homework, have them use the time to read. “Routine is the essence of a child’s life”.
Keep in touch with teachers, but don’t overdo it. “Most teachers appreciate parents caring enough to keep in touch a few times a grading period, but do not expect parents to contact them on a regular basis.”
Teach your child character—it “will improve social and academic skills more than anything else,” Parks says. “Some things are simply wrong, and the world your child will grow up in will punish crimes, so give your child a head start.”
Make time every day to talk with your child about the day’s activities. “Let them know you care, and really listen to what they have to say.”
From: The School Family, 2021